The Elemental Witch

Version - Prototype 4





Hello Everyone! - I'm Kutushmurf, creator of The Elemental Witch, my first hentai video game! - Plot of the game: - You'll play Chandra, a powerful Elemental Witch who had a major role in the last war between Eclain and Aglana 500 years ago. When this war was over, she has been sealed in a crypt. If Aglana wants to take revenge then Eclain can unleash Chandra and claim victory once again. - And the time has come... - Play as the legendary Elemental Witch, recover your powers through the various Elemental Stones across the kingdom of Eclain, and use various styles of gameplay to take back the Kingdom from the Aglanian forces! - During the adventure, you will be able to control to 10 Elements, all with various mechanics and playstyle. Join the resistance against Aglana, and help people whlie learned about what happend during your stasis!​

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