Revival of the Noble Blade

Version - 0.1.2





Revival of the noble blade - Forty years ago, the Demon Kingdom unleashed a Total War upon the rest of the world. Showing no mercy, their legions annihilated one nation after another. The skies turned black with smoke, and rivers of blood flooded the cities. Casualties numbered in the millions, and those unfortunate enough to survive were enslaved. No one could stop the Dark Lord and his ruthless army until, in a small human kingdom called Lotria, King Tibalt von Claude ascended to the throne. Rallying the support of other intelligent races and the powerful demon hunter clans, Lotria achieved victory. The Dark Lord was slain, and his people swore allegiance to Tibalt von Claude. - But now, the king is old. Among the demon nobility, a renegade movement loyal to the ideals of the deposed tyrant is gaining strength. Moreover, the Gray Order, the most powerful and fanatical demon hunter clan, is plotting a military coup in Lotria. Ominous forces rage over the kingdom, threatening to unleash a storm even more terrifying than the one that raged forty years ago. Yet, at this time, in a strange forest where coffins hang from the trees, a master swordsman and a genius commander — Aleph Langrat — rises from the dead.​

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