—April 1st, 2236 A.D. - —99 e-mails were unread. - —99 e-mails from the same sender… her. - This tale began five years earlier, in the spring of 2231. Mankind has evolved a new kind of communication ability called “telepathy.” Yotsuba notices a young girl who does not use telepathy in his first term. In the days that follow, she remains closed off. - One day in the yard at his home, Yotsuba finds a Phillips-head screwdriver. He traces its origin to a nearby abandoned manor, and enters. Inside, he finds something… - The thing that humanity has denied. - The thing that memory has forgotten.
VNDB | Seireki 2236 nen |
Censorship | Mosaics |
Version | Final |
Developer/Publisher | Chloro & Sekai Project |
OS | Windows |
Language | English |
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